I Am a Busy Bee

25 February 2013

Last week instead of spending my time relaxing and enjoying my half term break, I spent it laying carpet in my living room and hallway by myself. That’s right, on my own, all by myself, on my lonesome and in only one day! I hadn’t planned to do the hall, but as there was so much leftover carpet it just had to be done. This is the fourth time I’ve laid carpet myself, after an experienced (supposedly) carpet fitter did a terrible job years ago. My work isn't flawless, but hey I'm not claiming to be a professional. Moving furniture back and forth was definitely the hardest part of the job. I then spent the next few days taking my time rearranging, reorganizing and revamping. The room looks so different and actually feels like a new home. My craft area is more accessible with everything labelled, now instead of opening ten boxes before I can find what I need, I can just check the labels, makes a lot of sense.
If you follow me on facebook you would have seen my new sofa and matching blinds which I’d recovered a few weekends ago. I’d bought four pairs of curtains from Argos at the bargain price of £3.49 each and spent the weekend pinning, sewing and stapling the fabric onto my old brown sofa and sewing fabric over my bamboo roller blinds. I’d only bought one pair initially to keep as fabric, but when I got it home and draped it over the sofa, the idea popped into my head. In total this project cost me under £14!!!
 Amazing what you can do when you put your mind to it! 
(That's not my new carpet!)
My next project will be creating a vintage inspired bathroom, hopefully before Easter...

...and finally...

My daughter was invited to be a British representative and influencer for WWDMagic at MagicMarket Week in Las Vegas, last week, speaking on panels (video) discussing social media platforms, brands and bloggers. It was her first trip to America and she had an amazing time. This was an awesome opportunity for her and hopefully will lead to bigger and better things. 
Jazmine speaking on one of the panels
Have a great week!

Barrina xx


  1. You're a very talented lady - well done you! x x

  2. Wow! that sofa idea is so creative, it looks fantastic, as do the curtains :D Very talented!


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